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Jana Sýkorová, alto

Jana Sykorova, contralto, Carmen with Prague State opera, 2004-18

Archive of performances 2004

20041129   maternity leave until 200511

20041128   Donna Elvira, Don Giovanni (Mozart), Prague Estates Theatre - first performance
20041120   Glagolithic Mass (Janacek), Tokyo City Opera, Japan, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra - Zdenek Mácal
20041115   Stabat Mater (Dvorak), Tokyo Suntory Hall, Japan, Czech Philharmonic Orchestra - Zdenek Mácal
20041109   Kate, Kate and the Devil (Čert a Káča, Dvorak), Prague National Theatre
20041105   Biblical Songs, Moravian Duets (Dvorak), Karlovy Vary
20041104   Suzuki, Madama Butterfly (Puccini), Prague State Opera
20041102   Suite for mezzo, harp and viola ensemble (Marek), Contemporary Music Festival Prague

20041028   Stabat Mater (Dvorak), Ostrava - St Wenceslas Festival
20041024   Stabat Mater (Dvorak), Cattedrale di Pisa - Festival Internazionale di Musica Sacra, Prague FOK Symhony Orchestra -
                 Ondrej Lenárd
20041023   Stabat Mater (Dvorak), Roma - Vatican Festival, Prague FOK Symhony Orchestra - Ondrej Lenárd
20041021   Carmen, Carmen (Bizet), Prague National Theatre
20041019   Carmen, Carmen (Bizet), Prague National Theatre
20041009   Missa corta e solenne (Kozeluh), Missa Solemnis (Vanhal), Olomouc Festival of Sacred Music
20041002   Kate, Kate and the Devil (Čert a Káča, Dvorak), Prague National Theatre

20040924   Maddalena, Rigoletto (Verdi), Prague State Opera
20040921   Suzuki, Madama Butterfly (Puccini), Prague State Opera
20040916   Carmen, Carmen (Bizet), Prague State Opera
20040913   Carmen, Carmen (Bizet), Prague National Theatre
20040911   Glagolitic Mass (Janáček) featuring also Gabriela Beňačková, Czech Philharmonic opening night - Zdeněk Mácal
20040901   Carmen, Carmen (Bizet), Prague National Theatre

20040828   Orlando, Orlando furioso (Vivaldi), Valtice

20040629   Nina, Ilseino srdce (Ilsea's Heart (Karel), Prague National Theatre
20040619   Requiem (Dvořák), Prague
20040609   Unfriendly Songs (Eben) and others, Lieder recital, Litoměřice
20040605   Carmen, Carmen (Bizet), Prague National Theatre
20040602   Lapák, Liška Bystrouška (The Cunning Little Vixen, Janáček), Prague National Theatre, Bohumil Gregor

20040530   Lieder recital, Křečovice Suk Memorial
20040523   Kate, Kate and the Devil (Čert a Káča, Dvorak), Prague National Theatre

20040430   Symphony No. 9 (Beethoven), Prague
20040423   Carmen Show, BMW Prague
20040417   Kate, Kate and the Devil (Čert a Káča, Dvorak), Prague National Theatre
20040411   Lapák, Liška Bystrouška (The Cunning Little Vixen, Janáček), Prague National Theatre, Bohumil Gregor
20040409   Johannes Passion (Bach), Prague National Theatre
20040404   Carmen, Carmen (Bizet), Prague National Theatre

20040321   Lapák, Liška Bystrouška (The Cunning Little Vixen, Janáček), Prague National Theatre, Bohumil Gregor

20040225   Litaniae Lauretanae (Mozart), Prague Smetana Hall, Prague FOK Symhony Orchestra - Leopold Hager
20040224   Litaniae Lauretanae (Mozart), Prague Smetana Hall, Prague FOK Symhony Orchestra - Leopold Hager

20040128   Ursule, Béatrice et Bénédict (Berlioz), Prague State Opera
20040127   Operatic recital, Nejdek
20040124   Kate, Kate and the Devil (Čert a Káča, Dvorak), Prague National Theatre
20040121   Ursule, Béatrice et Bénédict (Berlioz), Prague State Opera
20040120   Lapák, Liška Bystrouška (The Cunning Little Vixen, Janáček), Prague National Theatre, Bohumil Gregor
20040111   Kate, Kate and the Devil (Čert a Káča, Dvorak), Prague National Theatre

Archive of performances 2024

Archive of performances 2023

Archive of performances 2022

Archive of performances 2021

Archive of performances 2020

Archive of performances 2019

Archive of performances 2018

Archive of performances 2017

Archive of performances 2016

Archive of performances 2015

Archive of performances 2014

Archive of performances 2013

Archive of performances 2012

Archive of performances 2011

Archive of performances 2010

Archive of performances 2009

Archive of performances 2008

Archive of performances 2007

Archive of performances 2006

Archive of performances 2005

Archive of performances 2004

Archive of performances 2003

Archive of performances 2002

Archive of performances 2001

Archive of performances 2000

Ms. Jana Sykorova is represented by the agency Richard Kolář, RKM Ltd. Prague

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